
* RubyKaigi 2011終了しました





* The RubyKaigi 2011 finished.

by Masayoshi Takahashi, the chairman of RubyKaigi 2011 (translated by Kazuhiko aka @fdiary).

The RubyKaigi 2011 finished in success without any majour accident. This is same as what I wrote last year, but it is true that the Kaigi this year has less troubles than past Kaigis and it is a very fruitful Kaigi. This is really owing to support and cooperation of many people. We appreciate what you have done for us.

As it is mentioned in the Kaigi, this Kaigi is the last RubyKaigi. We would like to announce you what we will do in the future after establishing the 'Ruby-No-Kai' general incorporated association. For now, we are retrospecting past RubyKaigis with handling remaining things.

Again, we sincerely thank you very much.

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