
* RubyKaigi2010のライトニングトークスの選考を行いました


RubyKaigi 2010のライトニングトークスに対して、30件の発表応募がありました。たくさんのご応募ありがとうございます。


  1. ARToolKit Ruby Binding, Urabe, Shyouhei (Network Applied Communication Lab.)
  2. Ruby/Tk-Kit から RubyKit へ : Ruby の単一ファイル実行環境の構築に向けて, Hidetoshi NAGAI (Kyushu Institute of Technology / Rubyist Kyushu)
  3. What is few?, Sora Harakami (few developer team)
  4. Toward Lightning RubyVM, Koichi Sasada (The University of Tokyo)
  5. MessagePackで多言語間通信, Sadayuki Furuhashi
  6. It's not just about the Yen: Protecting the planet with Ruby, Simon Tokumine (United Nations Environment Programme)
  7. Introducing the Lingo Project: A New Generationi Text Input System Leveraging Non-native English Writing, Kazki Matz (Lingo project)
  8. babushka―test-driven sysadmin for rubyists, Ben Hoskings (babushka)
  9. parse.yの歩き方 -ワシのRubyは4式まであるぞ-, Ando Yasushi (Seesaa Inc.)
  10. 時を超えた電子出版の道の中をRubyと歩いていく, Masayoshi Takahashi (Tatsu-zine publishing, Nihon Ruby-no-Kai)
  11. Ruby Summer of Code 2010のご報告 〜俺たちのDecimalはまだ始まったばかりだ〜, Tadashi Saito (University of Tsukuba)

* Here's the Lightning Talk Speaker List on RubyKaigi 2010

We've got 30 submissions for RubyKaigi 2010 Lightning Talks so we selected 11 talks.

Here's the list of titles and speakers:

  1. ARToolKit Ruby Binding, Urabe, Shyouhei (Network Applied Communication Lab.)
  2. Toward creating a single stand-alone executable of Ruby, Hidetoshi NAGAI (Kyushu Institute of Technology / Rubyist Kyushu)
  3. What is few?, Sora Harakami (few developer team)
  4. Toward Lightning RubyVM, Koichi Sasada (The University of Tokyo)
  5. MessagePack, a cross-language communication system, Sadayuki Furuhashi
  6. It's not just about the Yen: Protecting the planet with Ruby, Simon Tokumine (United Nations Environment Programme)
  7. Introducing the Lingo Project: A New Generationi Text Input System Leveraging Non-native English Writing, Kazki Matz (Lingo project)
  8. babushka―test-driven sysadmin for rubyists, Ben Hoskings (babushka)
  9. parse.y Fam Tour, Ando Yasushi (Seesaa Inc.)
  10. The Timeless Way of E-Publishing with Ruby, Masayoshi Takahashi (Tatsu-zine publishing, Nihon Ruby-no-Kai)
  11. My Report of "Ruby Summer of Code 2010" - Road to be a stdlib -, Tadashi Saito (University of Tsukuba)

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