* RubyKaigi2010のライトニングトークスの選考を行いました
RubyKaigi 2010のライトニングトークスに対して、30件の発表応募がありました。たくさんのご応募ありがとうございます。
- ARToolKit Ruby Binding, Urabe, Shyouhei (Network Applied Communication Lab.)
- Ruby/Tk-Kit から RubyKit へ : Ruby の単一ファイル実行環境の構築に向けて, Hidetoshi NAGAI (Kyushu Institute of Technology / Rubyist Kyushu)
- What is few?, Sora Harakami (few developer team)
- Toward Lightning RubyVM, Koichi Sasada (The University of Tokyo)
- MessagePackで多言語間通信, Sadayuki Furuhashi
- It's not just about the Yen: Protecting the planet with Ruby, Simon Tokumine (United Nations Environment Programme)
- Introducing the Lingo Project: A New Generationi Text Input System Leveraging Non-native English Writing, Kazki Matz (Lingo project)
- babushka―test-driven sysadmin for rubyists, Ben Hoskings (babushka)
- parse.yの歩き方 -ワシのRubyは4式まであるぞ-, Ando Yasushi (Seesaa Inc.)
- 時を超えた電子出版の道の中をRubyと歩いていく, Masayoshi Takahashi (Tatsu-zine publishing, Nihon Ruby-no-Kai)
- Ruby Summer of Code 2010のご報告 〜俺たちのDecimalはまだ始まったばかりだ〜, Tadashi Saito (University of Tsukuba)
* Here's the Lightning Talk Speaker List on RubyKaigi 2010
We've got 30 submissions for RubyKaigi 2010 Lightning Talks so we selected 11 talks.
Here's the list of titles and speakers:
- ARToolKit Ruby Binding, Urabe, Shyouhei (Network Applied Communication Lab.)
- Toward creating a single stand-alone executable of Ruby, Hidetoshi NAGAI (Kyushu Institute of Technology / Rubyist Kyushu)
- What is few?, Sora Harakami (few developer team)
- Toward Lightning RubyVM, Koichi Sasada (The University of Tokyo)
- MessagePack, a cross-language communication system, Sadayuki Furuhashi
- It's not just about the Yen: Protecting the planet with Ruby, Simon Tokumine (United Nations Environment Programme)
- Introducing the Lingo Project: A New Generationi Text Input System Leveraging Non-native English Writing, Kazki Matz (Lingo project)
- babushka―test-driven sysadmin for rubyists, Ben Hoskings (babushka)
- parse.y Fam Tour, Ando Yasushi (Seesaa Inc.)
- The Timeless Way of E-Publishing with Ruby, Masayoshi Takahashi (Tatsu-zine publishing, Nihon Ruby-no-Kai)
- My Report of "Ruby Summer of Code 2010" - Road to be a stdlib -, Tadashi Saito (University of Tsukuba)