* announce the selection result of the RubyKaigi 2011 Lightning Talk (LT)
1 近永智之 (nagachika): ruby trunk changes 統計版 2 吉原陽香: RubyでつくるOS 3 Paul McMahon: Connecting Japanese Rubyists with the World 4 Joseph Wilk: The Limited Red Society 5 niku ヽ(´・肉・`)ノ: るりまを便利に使う方法 6 Florian Hanke James: An electronic butler that you can talk to. 7 こんどうようへい: 別の "ASP.NET MVC 3 vs. Ruby on Rails 3" 8 小山田昌史: Rios Proxy - コマンドラインインタフェースのためのプロキシフレームワーク 9 関口亮一(@ryopeko): rubykaigi.orgを支える技術 10 Eloy Durán & Vincent Isambart: A Hayabusa-speed talk about living under the MacRuby rainbow 11 関将俊: erbをすごく偲んで
1 樽本徹也: アジャイルUX公開実演 結果報告 2 村田賢太: 浮動小数点数リテラルが無い世界 3 後藤直久: BioRuby -- 生物情報科学用ライブラリ 4 吉田裕美: 新人教育に、もっとRubyを! 5 三村益隆(a.k.a m): コミュニティと勉強会の間で 6 大林一平: define_method 7 福井修: Rubyist に不足しているのは会計(そろばん)! 8 吉本任利: ActiveLdap が Rails3.1 で動くようになったよ。 9 とみたまさひろ: MmapScanner 作ってみた 10 塩谷啓: pebbles - rubygemsにおけるジョークモジュールの名前空間について 11 郡司啓: C、イ㌔。
Thank you for applying for Lightning Talk (LT) of the RubyKaigi 2011.
I will announce the selection result.
1 Tomoyuki Chikanaga (nagachika): ruby trunk changes - Statistics Edition 2 Yoshihara Haruka: Operating System made by Ruby 3 Paul McMahon: Connecting Japanese Rubyists with the World 4 Joseph Wilk: The Limited Red Society 5 niku ヽ(´・肉・`)ノ: how to use more convenient 6 Florian Hanke James: An electronic butler that you can talk to. 7 Youhei Kondou: Yet Another "ASP.NET MVC 3 vs. Ruby on Rails 3" 8 Masafui Oyamada: Rios Proxy - A Proxy Framework for Command Line Interfaces 9 Ryoichi SEKIGUCHI(@ryopeko): The technology behind rubykaigi.org 10 Eloy Durán & Vincent Isambart: A Hayabusa-speed talk about living under the MacRuby rainbow 11 Masatoshi SEKI: Recollections of erb, again.
1 Tetsuya Tarumoto: Agile UX Live Report 2 Kenta Murata: The world without the literal notation for floating-point numbers. 3 Naohisa Goto: BioRuby -- bioinformatics library BioRuby 4 Yuumi Yoshida: More Ruby for a newcomer programmers 5 Mitsutaka Mimura(a.k.a m): Between the community and the study group 6 Ippei OBAYASHI: define_method 7 FUKUI Osamu: It is accounting (SOROBAN)! that it is insufficient in Rubyist. 8 Hidetoshi Yoshimoto: ActiveLdap works with Rails3.1 now! 9 Tomita Masahiro: MmapScanner 10 Hiromu Shioya: pebbles - A namespace for joke gems 11 Satoshi GUNJI: C die hard.
We will assume information of the result with this announcement.
We will wait for the application for Yami RubyKaigi that has been defeated to our regret.